10482562_986730261391062_948709892472368720_oI am Jeff Wright, a freelance Game Designer and Programmer based out of Cincinnati, OH. In the past, I have helped organizations such as the University of Kentucky’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, IdeaFestival, and Xooker take their game ideas from concept to release. I’ve also participated in game jams such as Ludum Dare, Global Game Jam, and Train Jam to mix things up and work with new people.

In my spare time, I play games competitively (Overwatch, Towerfall, Smash Bros., etc.), go to beer tastings, and seek out new things.

It is important to me to be a part of a community, which is why I’m currently a member of the local game development community RunJumpDev. Currently, I help run RunJumpDev’s Hurdles, a sprints program designed to get people in the community to show off the cool things they’re making.

I’m also very good with animals. It has been suggested that I might be a Disney Princess.